12th Timmins Venturer Bylaws
September 1999 - August 2002
Revised March 6th, 2000
HomeArticle 1: Name
This company shall be known as the "12th Timmins Venturer Company", sponsored by 1st United Church, Timmins, Ontario.
Article 2: Membership
(A) Anyone aged from 14 to 17 years may apply for membership after an initiation period of suitable length as determined by the Executive, after which time the executive shall approve his/her membership
(B) The age ranges from 14 to 17 are intended as general guidelines and a variation of one year may be permitted with the approval of the Executive.
(C) Every member shall accept the bylaws on admission.
(D) Every member shall subscribe to the Mission, Principles and Practices of Scouts Canada, and to the Bylaw, Policies and Procedures of the Organization.
(E) Every member shall make the venturer promise to the company on investiture
(F) In case of leaving, a member should inform the Executive at least one month in advance.
(G) Membership may be reviewed or revoked by the Executive if a member uses alcohol, drugs, or tobacco on any Company or Scouting functions or regularly fails to live up to the Mission, Principles and Practices of Scouts Canada and the Venturer Promise.
(H) All members are responsible for obtaining the Official Scouts Canada uniform within one month of his/her application.
Article 3: Executive Committee
(A) The Executive Committee (also referred to as the "Executive") shall consist of the following officers:
President Minister of Finance Minister of Records
Minister of Public Relations Advisor (ex officio)
(B) Duties of the Executive Committee:
President - chairs all meetings and coordinates company activities
Minister of Finance - keeps all financial accounts of the company and investigates fund raising opportunities
Minister of Records - keeps attendance records of the company, takes minutes of meetings, conducts correspondence on behalf of the company, keeps a Log Book of company activities, and carries out other tasks requested by the President.
Advisor - helps the company members and the Executive Committee to achieve their objectives, and is ultimately responsible for the company actions to the sponsoring group committee.
Minister of Public Relations - handles advertising, recruitment, ask community what they would like to see scouts doing, and find ways to improve the image of scouting
Bylaw Amendment 2000A012
The signing officers for the bank account will include the Advisor, Minister of Finance, and the President. Two signatures will be required when making withdrawals.
Bylaw Amendment 2000A013
Minister of Public Relations will notify all members 1 or 2 days in advance for each service activity or fund-raising event at a reasonable time of day. e.g. between 4:00 pm -9 pm
Bylaw Amendment 2000A031
If the Minister of Public Relations fails to notify members of special events, he/she will be fined $1.00 for each event
Article 4: Election of Officers
(A) Nomination of the incoming Executive members shall be undertaken annually in August by a nominating committee called by the Adviser and including two members of the past Executive.
(B) The slate of nominees shall be moved at the first or second business meeting of the year, with a call for further nominations, if any, from the floor, to be followed immediately by an election, with the additional rules:
i) Only invested members may vote
ii) Outgoing members of the company may not vote for the incoming Executive
(C) The term of office is one year.
(D) No member may hold the same position on the Executive for more than two (2) terms.
(E) A vacancy occurring in any of the elected positions during a current year shall be filled by appointment of the president, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
(F) Consistent failure of Executive duties as defined in Article 6, Section B will result in a review of that Executive officer.
Article 5: Dues
(A) Dues shall be $2.00 per month payable each month to the company Minister of Finance, or $6.00 in advance payable in September and again in January and April, with additional rules:
i) A member joining during the year shall not pay retroactively
ii) A member shall pay for time(s) of unavoidable absence at the next meeting he/she attends.
iii) A member is subject to the usual registration fees levied by the district council.
(B) Dues must be paid in full for a member to participate in any company activity with the exception of fund raising activities and service projects.
Article 6: Dress
(A) Official uniform shall include Scouts Canada uniform shirt, 2 venturer epaulets, 1 blue woggle, venturer belt, and navy pants. Jeans are not permitted with official uniform.
(B) Official uniform must be worn to all formal events, business meetings, fund raising activities, service projects and various special events unless informed otherwise by Advisor. Failure to do so will result in the following fines:
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: $1.00
3rd offense: $2.00
Beyond 3rd offense: $5.00
Article 7: Meetings
(A) Meetings start at 7:00 pm on Monday nights
(B) The first meeting of every month is to be a business meeting
(C) No member will be admitted more than 5 minutes late without an acceptable excuse which will be decided by the president
(D) Any member causing a disturbance may be asked to leave the meeting
(E) The unexcused absence from 3 consecutive meetings will be grounds for termination of membership.
(F) There will be no smoking during meetings.
(G) Members are not allowed to leave a meeting early. There is a $1.00 fine. Some exception may be made.
(H) Venturers must wear official uniform to all business meetings. Appropriate attire should be worn on regular meetings.
(I) No member or advisor may swear during a meeting. There are no exceptions. A fine of $0.50 must be paid per swear.
(J) No unauthorized person will be admitted to a meeting unless planning to join.
(K) Beverages may not be brought to a meeting. Pop may be purchased at the meeting for $1.00
(L) Minister of Finance is to have a financial report ready before the business meeting. Financial reports include income, expenses and account balance. Failure to provide a financial report results in a $1.00 fine.
(M) Minister of Records is to have the minute of the previous business meeting distributed 1 week prior to next business meeting. There is a $1.00 fine for not distributing the minutes on time.
Bylaw Amendment 2000A011
Members who know they will be absent from a meeting are to call one of the Executive and let them know that he/she will not be there. If the member of the Executive called will also be absent, he/she will have to call another member of the Executive. If 3/4 ths of the members have called in, the meeting will be cancelled or postponed depending on its importance.
Bylaw Amendment 2000A021
The Minister of Records is to have the minutes of the previous business meeting distributed on the day of the next business meeting. There is a $1.00 fine for not distributing the minutes on time.
Bylaw Amendment 2000A022
The President is to have an agenda for the business meeting. If the agenda is not distributed on the day of or before a business meeting, there will be a $1.00 fine.
Article 8: Order of Business
The order of business for all members and officers at a business meeting shall be as follows:
1. President calls meeting to order
2. Roll call & collection of dues
3. Group inspection by advisor
4. Reading & Approval of minutes
5. Unfinished Business
6. Break
7. Correspondence
8. Financial Report
9. New Business
10. Summary
11. Adjournment
Article 9: Fund Raising & Service Projects
(A) Failure of a member to participate in 60% of fund raising and/or service projects will be grounds for termination unless one has a valid reason
(B) Officers and preassigned other members must help out on the 12th Timmins registration night. The various jobs they are to occupy themselves include: setting up refreshment table, guiding parents to appropriate tables, supervising display & activity tables, and manning the venturer registration table.
(C) Full Scouts Canada official venturer uniform is to be worn at all fund raising and service activities unless otherwise stated.
(D) Full participation is required. If someone does not appear to be pulling his/her own weight, he/she may be removed from the group.
Article 10: The Bylaws
(A) These bylaws must remain the basis for all rulings for the next three (3) years
(B) Changes may be made in the bylaws by approval of the officers, to be instituted by 2/3 vote of all members
(C) All uniforms will be in accordance with Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Scouts of Canada
(D) At least 4 members must attend a business meeting for votes to count